Dressage Training Competitions

To enter our competitions go to www.nominate.com.au → Equestrian → Dressage → Events → Bulahdelah Dressage Club

To ride at our competitions you will need to be a member of Bulahdelah Dressage Club Inc. & ANWE if you wish to do their tests.  You can join through 'nominate'

Combined EA & WE  Dressage Competition dates for 2024 - T-shirt days

No Dressage competitions are planned at the moment.

All dressage competitions will be T-Shirt Restricted Dressage Competitions  (members BDC only) - combined with ANWE (BDC & ANWE members) to be held on Sundays.

The Working Equitation arena (20X40) to be run under ANWE tests & rules - must be a member of ANWE.

(no official competitions scheduled at the moment)

Current EA Dressage Rules

Download a copy of the  Equestrian Australia   National Dressage Rules from its website at http://www.equestrian.org.au/dressage-rules

Bulahdelah Dressage Club Rules for competitions

  • Each rider is asked to provide a helper - this may only be for half to one hour in the day - or entries may not be accepted.
  • Floats to be parked NO LESS than 9 metres apart. (EA ruling)
  • Competition to be run under EA rules
  • Competitors must be a member of BDC 
  • Spurs must have strap fasteners
  • Electric yards no longer permitted
  • Horses are not to be tied to the showground fence rails
  • Please adhere to the stallion rules
  • All dogs to be kept on leads at all times
  • No horse is allowed on the football or soccer ground
  • Horses may not compete in more than 2 consecutive levels
  • Maximum of 3 tests per horse